I know it's all the rage now, but the hype around "Pop the Balloon" (YouTube) is just that we're witnessing firsthand rejection in real time, right? Which by the way, shout out to Arlette for coming u
p with this format, and I mean no disrespect. But let's admit, the rejections, as polished as they can be, are just brutal. People claim to eliminate people off "energy", "type", or the "perfect answe
r", when all of us in the audience know they're eliminating people off looks, skin tone, occupation and number of children. Don't get me wrong, it's kind of hilarious, but we all come there for those
trainwreck interactions. We're certainly not coming there for the love....and neither are the contestants. I watched one dude who solely had the purpose of promoting his BBQ restaurant for the entiret
y of the episode.